Monday, July 30, 2012

It's always in the last place you look.

What an awesome evening.

First off, Ant found his key. He couldn't find it before he left on his trip, and I've been after him since he came home. Today he begged Chris to make him another copy so he could be free again. Never mind that I've strictly forbidden this. We made him a special key not to be cool, sadly, but to know when he's lost his key. See- before, when he'd lose his key, he'd just go take one of the spares until I needed to loan one out and find there were none. There is a similar story here about scissors, but I suspect you are familiar with that one.

So I get home from work and Ant meets me at the door, showing off his key. Then the two of them start telling me about their day, interrupting and running each other over until they found their way back to the beginning.

First they put more holes in the walls to arrange some acoustic foam, but that means we're delaying the added cost of an external studio space for a while. Chris sold some of his old stuff- or traded it I should say- for a guitar. Well, most of it went towards the guitar, but he kept out a significant portion for an outdoor antenna. That doesn't sound romantic at all, does it? But consider that we don't have cable and won't until I feel comfortable signing up for any other monthly payments. And consider that we have bunny ears and Fox and ABC. Now consider that this is the first year that I was really looking forward to watching the Olympics.

Chris tried to surprise me with a giant outdoor antenna and he and Ant worked hard in the heat to get installed before I got home. Chris didn't even play his guitar until the antenna was working and TA-DA! It got the same two channels we already had. Ah, Red Rock.

Oh, but what an effort. I was so touched that they tried to go to such efforts just so I could watch the Olympics. They told me all about their efforts from putting together the antenna to dragging cable lines across the house. Chris said he had to send Ant to put on a sturdier pair of shoes and Ant grabbed his snowboarding boots. In one boot was his key. Of course- where else would it be? If that wasn't weird enough- Ant remembered PUTTING his key in there. Time for some lengthy looks at the ceiling while I shake my head.

So instead of watching them, we talked about stories we'd heard about the Olympics while the boys broke the antenna back down and tried to fit it back in the box.

Ant volunteered to remove himself over to his friend's house and let us have a date night at the ballpark. It was a lovely night together- and the Aces won. One of Chris's coworkers gave us seats behind home plate, so we had a great view and a great time. Chris filled the tank on the way home so I can go straight to work in the morning. I'm writing this now because Tuesdays at work can be busier than Mondays- and because Chris is playing guitar. :D

I'll put on a movie and he'll wander in here soon enough, but for now I wanted to document what a nice night I had thanks to my boys.

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