Thursday, August 2, 2012

Oh yeah, and

Chris told Ant that I was out of commission because I had a biopsy to check for cancer. Ant was very concerned and kept asking me what was actually done. I ran out of vague responses so finally I beat around the bush (That was a truly awful euphemism, yes?) until he understood what kind of doctor I had been to. Then I explained what a biopsy was and he begged me to stop so to distract him, I told him about how someday he could look forward to a colonoscopy. He was truly horrified, so then I distracted him further by dropping the bomb that our next activity would be digging through the kitchen trash in search of the small metal paddle that goes to the bread machine. That proved to be quite a distraction indeed, but we found it. It was at the bottom, of course, amid lots of disgusting, distracting trash.

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