Monday, October 29, 2012

A brief ride in the Waahmbulance

Woke up in my warm bed, had to get up and be cold.
Got confused, hurt looks as I shortchanged my dog on her walk this morning.
Person I'm training breathing all over me, needs a mint.
Packed my lunch trying to be healthy, forgot the totally healthy (shut up) dark chocolate.
Packed orange slices, orange slices are old and dried out. Gross.
Too hungry for sandwich alone, went to get some Doritos.
Vending flap crushed my Doritos.
Still cold, should probably switch to hot tea instead of Diet Coke.
Lunch already almost over.
Watching Sandy coverage, no exciting weather over here.
Finished lunch, still have no chocolate.
Need chocolate.
Ready to speed to 7-11, try to resist stupid temptation.
Compose list of things to look forward to today:

     hour+ Riley walk in the not rain
     carve pumpkin
     put candle in pumpkin, admire, take pictures, post to Facebook
     check Facebook for admiration
     start art project
     finish puzzle
     sit in clean, neat apartment, admire housekeeping and interior design skills
     put together most of next day's lunch, feel like a badass for being so prepared
     hot shower, warm pajamas
     reading amid sleeping animals

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