Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Simply fascinating!

A common mindfulness exercise paraphrased: Try to taste your food.

It's hard when you have a short lunch and lots of items on your to-do list, but continuing in this productive style, I got some things pulled out of my 8-pocket To Do folder.  Yes, I do have problems, that's in Section 4.  My desk at work is a mess of bills and lists and too much paperwork.  I would organize that right now, but I'm busy trying to taste my food and blog.  Ha ha, taste my blog.

I have too many calendars and lists and notebooks and phone apps to actually stay organized.  I like my 8-pocket approach, but it gets dicey when you forget to look through it. I put sticky lists on the cover and then forget to bring it home, come in the next day and say, "Damn!"  Or (more often than not), bring it back in to work only to realize that I didn't even open it at home and still have all these things that are supposed to be done already.  I still believe that someday I will finish- check the last item off the list and say, "Ahhh."  Well, I'm a slow learner.  No, I am a stubborn learner.

I bought groceries last night and really loaded up.  I bought some meat and the good cheese and lots of fruits and veggies, some snacky things, bread, milk, yogurt... I even spent a good twenty minutes scouring the soda aisle in search of something that didn't contain aspartame (part of the diabetes class- remind me to explain why later).  All that and I hardly spent any money.  Oh Winco, I love you so.  And I finally dropped off the coupons for Jody.

How about that for a completely uninteresting blog?  You're welcome.  Tune in later for more boring details of my day!

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