Sunday, December 30, 2012

Safe Journey

I'll be officially getting up in about ten minutes so I can leave San Diego at 5 and hopefully make it home by 4. Jody called and said the roads have been horrible in the mornings, ok in the afternoons, and horrible again at night. She said it was snowing right then, and the road was covered in the time it took to feed my cat.

I'm going to take the 5 back, and hopefully haul ass to make up for whatever time I'll lose in the mountains. It's supposed to be ten hours, so we're estimating 11 at higher speeds and fast refuels/potty breaks. Dad estimated when I should be where on the way down and updated my ETA as I checked in. He worked out the same thing for the 5, so he'll be keeping tabs. Today is supposed to be clear. The other day I read that I'll be driving through the snowiest city in the U.S.: Blue Canyon, CA. Wouldn't you think that would be somewhere in Alaska?

Jennyway, here's to a safe, efficient journey home.

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