Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cat in the Lap

I had a nice day, and it's not even over yet.

I took Riley on a good, hefty walk with Jody and her dogs this morning, then went to the Launder Mutt (finally) and washed my stinky puppy. She was not thrilled with the process, but I was. After she was blow dried and brushed, we went to the Rancho San Rafael dog park, which is huge and filled with happy dogs. Then I brought Riley home to nap and went to meet Jody at the dollar store for Easter goodies. I've decided that I'm making myself an Easter basket. How's that for practicing reorganized priorities? Over the years, I made many fun baskets for the boys- both of mine and many of the displaced Virginians as well. I can't wait to put that effort into one that's for me. Maybe that's ridiculous, but I don't care.

I just watched Contact and now I'm going to make spaghetti and reheat some of those frozen meatballs in my new teal fucking frying pan. Ah, bliss.

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