Saturday, June 1, 2013

Busy day, I am exhaust

So tired I can't finish the title.

Ignored cat yowling until 6:30, then staggered out to fill her food bowl and staggered back to bed.

Somewhere around 9, finally got up, showered, realized I was running late, ushered myself and Riley out the door.

Spent 20 minutes discussing clipper lengths, mohawk requirements, old lady bumps, and persnickety dog temperaments, then Riley was zipped away from me. I went and ate breakfast and read seven (very short) chapters of my book, then took crap DVDs to the pawn shop. I was looking to get rid of them, maybe trade, I told the guy. He started going through them as I perused the Wii games, hoping for a Zumba. Nope. He said it was 50 cent movie day, and I don't mean movies starring 50 cent, so the aisle was packed. I stood at the end and craned my neck, (Is there a Shyamalan in there?) but the guy was ready. "I can give you $15," he offered. Shit, really? I thought I'd be lucky to walk out with $7 or maybe a game or a couple movies. "Okay." I signed the pawn slip, he handed me the cash, then wished me happy hunting in the DVD aisle. "Thanks," I said, and walked out the door.

I had missed a call, see, and knew it would be the LaunderMutt, but it was also more money than I thought I was working with, and would rather keep it. I went back to LaunderMutt and the owner was hesitant. There wasn't much definition between the mohawk and the buzz, did I want them to even it out? They brought her to me and she was just adorable. They took the mohawk all the way down to her tail nubbin, so she's got this poof at the back- cutest thing ever. She was trimmed up and smelled so pretty. Fabulous. Done. Besides, good luck getting her back on that table! The mohawk is there, but it will probably show better when she's dirty and her hair stands up more. I wanted that spot evened up where they had to shave her after her injury, get her buzzed for coolness, but leave protection from sunburn on her back. It's a fauxhawk.

Riley was relieved to go home, and we sat in the cool, shady grass, then prepped to meet Elaine and Ant in Carson. We met for lunch and talked a while. (I tried Del Taco's Asada steak taco because it came with guacammmmmmolllllle (and did you know they have a cheap eats menu with 75 cent mini quesadillas and such?) and it was so good.) Then we went to watch Ant skate, but it was hot and he had a root beer float earlier and he was probably feeling that more than the urge to skate, so we went to Goodwill and put Riley in the cart's child bucket on her dog bed and I drove her around the store. Nobody said anything, but everyone wanted to pet her. Ant found t-shirts, I found a weird puzzle and scanned the books for something Ant might actually read. He picked a Louis Sachar novel from the stack and when I offered Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul (he likes animals and true stories), he said he'd rather have the one with the people who died. I only realize now how perfect it was that I was there- who else would understand and not be horrified? I turned and grabbed Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul, because he's talking about true, sad, and uplifting stories about people. He said he'd read something about a girl whose brother died in a fire and there was something about rainbows, and her brother loved rainbows and it was his birthday... Don't worry, kiddo, I gotcha. This is my Rescue 911 and Reader's Digest fix- you like having your heart tugged too. I bet you he'll read that book.

He's at Topaz for a couple more weeks and bored. I also bought him ConnectFour, which he loves. When I offered it, he sighed. "We don't really play board games anymore," meaning at home. "Mike will play," I said. He grinned. "Okay."

Elaine bought me a pretty green beaded bracelet. We all hugged, exchanged I love yous, and drove opposite ways on 395. At home, I offered Riley cool grass time, but she led the way inside. Dinner and done, she said. I just watched Mirror Mask. (You both should have watched it. It's Cirque and Henson and British.) Now I may just drive to Blockbuster to return Promised Land (Eh.) and Killing Them Softly (Not nearly as good as I'd heard.) Tomorrow is work on my project day, and I may just be tired enough to go to bed early.

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