Saturday, August 3, 2013

Time for a new map

So there's denial, anger, bargaining, and eventually acceptance... what the hell is the fifth one again? Is it despair? Jesus Christ. You know how it's supposedly better to be alone than with the wrong person? Maybe, but it's really fucking lonely. Even with building new friendships and doing new things, sometimes I think I might actually die of loneliness. I start freaking out about what will happen to Solo after I die of an aneurysm on my couch. I am feeling a very strong need to take a self-defense class or perhaps something a little less serious, but just as physical. My friend gave me a long hug the other day and pointed out how important that is because what single means is we aren't being touched. God, isn't that sad?

I need to just find the next class and sign up. I want something physical- Zumba is helping, but I feel the need for more exercise. And I want to take a math class. Yep- a math class. Constructive puzzles. If that's what I need, that's what I have to do. Now go enjoy the warm, breezy evening and the rest of your walk with Riley.

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