Thursday, September 12, 2013

20 calls and hour and a blog

On CNN this morning, some correspondent was saying that the royal couple would be out tonight for a charity event, and that Kate would be wearing "a dress and some jewelry."

In other amusing news, I brought my syringe box along to work today because I'm supposed to go exchange it at the hospital.  It was in my bag, still open in case I can't go today, and it almost sucked my keys in.  Can you imagine?  Diabeetus problems.

And speaking of diabeetus, I got here this morning at the same time as our pharmacist.  We chatted a bit, then he asked if that was a Diet Coke I was holding.  Yyyeeesss.  "It's the diet you've really got to watch out for," he reminded me again.  "It tricks the pancreas."

Dammit, this is the only vice I've got left.  If I let this one go, I'll surely be eating seaweed and taking up running, and that is clearly unacceptable.

And I forgot I haven't told you about this meeting I had with a personal trainer.  I got a free session because I have been a gym member for six months now.  I totally walked up to the front desk and said, "I got the email," as if they were going to know what I was talking about, as if everybody got one.  I am so slow sometimes.

So I had the personal training session on Monday, and have been having trouble with stairs ever since.  We talked for a while and only did a fifteen minute workout that beat the shit out of me.  The challenge was to do as many rounds of 15 squats, 10 situps, and 5 pushups as possible within 10 minutes.  The squats are the ones like kids do, keeping your feet flat and pushing your butt out, but holding your arms out as counterbalance.  For the situps, you swing your arms to use the momentum, and you touch your ankles, but not your head.  Pushups of the girly variety, hands wider than the shoulders, fingers spread.  I did the math wrong, Ma.  I didn't do 60 squats- I did 75.  I did four full rounds and 15 squats before the time ran out.  Then we did planks.  Apparently, my squats, situps, and pushups are at the level expected for someone who is not particularly active, but my planks are especially pathetic.  He was actually complimentary of my squats, saying that it normally takes several sessions for someone to figure out how to do them right.  I'm a little in awe of how many I did, but it was hard not to when he was cheering me on.

He said I would be sore and would need to rest for about four days.  He was not kidding.  Today was the first day I could get down the stairs without the handrail, though it is still pretty difficult.  Tonight is Zumba- will I go?  Yesterday, I would have laughed.  Today I think it might be possible.

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