Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Who doesn't love aviation metaphors?

Brief check-in before bedtime:

The job so far is good. Better than good. I am currently feeling scattered and flustered about it, but who cares, because it's challenging and keeps me busy and the day zips by! This is just that first full week of training and being "on" and being exhausted. There is always that one person who means well, but who is actually creating more drama and difficulty, but that is a minor price to pay for a raise and some freedom and being surrounded by positive, giving people who are actively interested in collaboration. It's good.

But I'm tired, and it's only Tuesday. The rest of the week will fly by, I'm sure, and Chris coming back to town created inevitable drama, and I totally did get caught up in the wake turbulence. You know what's interesting, though? I am still upright and holding my course. Maybe that doesn't surprise you. I'm not necessarily surprised, but saddened. Not crying, not depressed, not derailed. Ok, maybe a little derailed, if it's possible to only be derailed a little bit. I cannot yet avoid the jet wash, but I am learning how to fly through it.

So for this week, the challenge is to get through. I've got a mess of things brought home from the Call Center: things to be sorted through, tossed, donated, put away, brought to the new job. I have things in the fridge that need to be cooked and things that need to be thrown out. I have animals that need love and exercise. I have a knee that hurts and muscles that are tired of holding a chair form. I have homework I have assigned myself from Ant's old schoolbooks and an unreasonable to-do list. I am feeling ridiculously overwhelmed, but I know two things: I will get used to my new schedule and responsibilities at my new job, and I will get through this week and the next imperfectly but successfully. Success as defined as alive and optimistic.

All systems go.

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