Thursday, October 20, 2016

Drafty draft

My other damn pictures aren't coming up. Garrrgghh.

I am currently aggravated because I had a great time at tennis, but now that I'm home, there are about eight things I want to do and I can't really do any of them because it's time to get ready for bed. 

I know how to fix this- it requires doing all my nighttime chores when I get home from work, but I never end up doing things that way. So as usual, it's Thursday night and things are overwhelming and I may end up doing fun things all weekend, which is what you're supposed to do, right?

Yes, yes, thank you, Gordon. I have got to take care of those things when I get home regardless of tennis or plans or whatever so that I don't end up with a mess by Thursday and stressed that I'm going to have to spend my whole weekend cleaning not like I'm gonna really do that anyway.

If I do that, I might have the room to write when the urge strikes, and getting in two hours and going to bed a little late might be worth it.

I'd much rather go do fun things on the weekend and work on puzzles in between. Of course, I will be on this one for the next four months, I think.

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