Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bionica does sound intimidating, though.

Yesterday on the way to kickball practice, my friend was telling me about this crazy situation in her world and stopped to apologize for unloading all that emotional vomit on me. "Well, I'm an emotional barf bag," I told her. She cracked up and told me I should add that to my dating profile. That would be appropriate, wouldn't it? I'm joking, Mom, and so was she. Friends actually tell me that they will vet any potential suitor so that I can't be too nice and keep somebody around who treats me like poop. I'm getting better at identifying manipulative tactics and other nonsense, so that feels like progress,

The last few tennis lessons have been excellent, and tonight was the best. My coach told me I'm playing at about a 3.0 rating, which I find to be very exciting news. College players are about 6 and I forget where the professionals are. I heard my rating and stopped listening. I'm excited to warrant a rating!

I was told by my therapist today that I need to start caring for my body like an athlete does, because I am an athlete now. Whoa! Also, I told her that I realized all those spots on my glasses are not water spots but scratches, and that I never got a new pair because my prescription hasn't changed, but I realized that I have had this pair for SIX YEARS at least! She agreed- it's time for new glasses. "This is like the bra thing," she said. Yep. Ok. Time for new glasses. And I have eye insurance! I can get new glasses!

I started wearing the sensor again today- it took a bit to recoordinate that. I learned why you have to make sure your blood sugar is steady before you start it- it was way off all day. I was too low for tennis, so I loaded up on some carbs and watched the sensor. I went up a little, but flattened out around 170, which was fine- it should have been great for the last half hour. It should have started coming down and then I would be at a perfect level for dinner. Instead, at the end of the lesson, I was higher. It seemed like one of the mysteries of daily diabeetus until I remembered how Sarah's husband is always emphasizing that point and I remembered that I had been low a little while before Sarah put the sensor on for me. Aha. So I wasn't actually around 170- I was way too high, above 240. Normally, exercise makes your blood sugar go down, but when your blood sugar is above 240, your body is functioning differently, and exercise will drive your blood sugar up. I was talking to a nurse I work with about that a few months ago, and that made total sense to her. I am not a nurse, so I just remember that number and try to avoid reaching that point at all, and I rest when it's above that point.

I just consulted them, and was told the best thing to do is turn it off and start over in the morning- treat it like a new sensor. Good grief. Sometimes I forget that I'm a walking medical supply store, and that this is actually pretty damn difficult. If we weren't all choosing food related names for our kickball jerseys, I would go with Bionica.

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