Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Per Tracy's request

There are so many things, Tracy...

On Sunday we had our first kickball practice. You know I was pretty anxious about that- almost as anxious as softball, but this was fun! Of course, the games may change my mind, but the practice was fun and I was not scared to catch the ball. That sounds ridiculous, but you go play softball and then come talk to me. I felt a lot more involved in the plays and I wasn't hesitating to cover second. We all (the five of us that showed up) tried pitching, and right now I am second in the running. On one return, Sarah threw the ball to me without knowing there was a stowaway, and I got a goat head in the hand.

Yes, they are as demonic as they look.
Us Nevadans giggle when people talk about how awful it is to step on a LEGO. But hey, my first kickball injury! Let's hope that's the worst of it.

So today at work I ran into a guy who referees where we're playing, and I told him I had moved on from softball. We talked for a moment and the subject of getting beaned in the head came up. He told me that yes, the other team can peg you with a ball while you're running to base. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I told him if that was the case, I would be doing some Matrix shit out there, and if you can't do that in softball, why the hell can you do that in kickball. The only rule is no headshots. That's lovely. "Well, I didn't MEAN to aim for her head..." Then he told me that was a good point and he had an umpire's meeting that night and would bring it up. Jesus Christ, I'd prefer every ball had a goat head pre-loaded over getting hit in the head with a dodgeball. There would be hurt and shock AND flashbacks from elementary school. Dear god.

The class I'm teaching is going well. Tomorrow we're going to play a game of Jeopardy that my coworker and I customized as a curriculum review. We're halfway through! The questions are sorted into the following categories: Math terms, Homonyms/almost homonyms, Pin the apostrophe, Fixits, and Potpourri. That's gonna be fun.

The class I'm taking is chugging along. We're all working on projects and had to give a short presentation on where things stand. I found a great template that was set up like a newspaper and entertained myself fully with headlines like "Supervisor Busy, Employees Complain." It went over reasonably well, despite the fact that I had not rehearsed it more than once. My fellow students were kind, and even though the real presentation will be in August, I have been working on it.

I was too busy preparing my presentation for the class I'm supporting. I did another 45 minute writing presentation, and I adore that group. They make me feel very welcome, and they were very receptive to the information I gave them. I was hoping they would be as blown away by the information as their instructor and I were, and they informed me that I had indeed dropped a bomb. What was cool was that they were reacting to the first part, and I had more informational bombs to drop. That was neat.

Also last week, I heard from someone who was not happy with my observations about her writing a couple years ago. She told me that she was really looking forward to hearing my feedback now, and that she held my opinion up high in these areas. That just killed me, and I will be carrying that around for years.

I'm still playing tennis twice a week as long as the weather's good, and Ant wants to come with me so he can skate and then we'll go get dinner together. It's an out of the way park for him, so that's certainly a benefit, but he's been contacting me to meet up lately, checking in and making plans. I sprung mini golf on him last week, and we had a good time.

After mini golf, we went to El Pollo Loco and discussed how insane I was for not liking it years ago. Then we drove to Midtown to try to get to some horrendously diabetes-inducing ice cream shop before it closed, but we didn't make it.

Tomorrow is another kickball practice, Ant and I are going to try to meet up for tennis/skating on Thursday, and Friday I'm joining some friends at a Zumba class. I'm also doing my yoga DVD here and there and going for walks at work. Any upcoming weight loss could be due to all this activity or the fact that I barely have time to eat anything.

Rest assured, my apartment is a mess. I think I'll have time to do laundry tomorrow night and I need to shop for a memory foam mattress topper to ease my hip pain and a new, less scuzzy insurance agent to allay my rage. I've heard from a neighbor that rent went way up, so now I need to start doing some math and apartment searches just in case. For now I'm going to run around and do a quick sweep in case the police have to show up and refer to me as the hoarder cat lady. Then I will turn on a Sherlock Holmes episode and try to cuddle with Solo for as long as possible before I fall asleep.

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