Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I had a long conversation with a friend today, and he reminded me of some important things:

1) Stupid boys act like stupid boys because they are stupid boys, but the people who can see through that from the beginning don't have superpowers- they are just outside of the situation and have a better perspective. Also, those people mean well and aren't intending to make you feel like an idiot.

2) You know what's right for you. Your standards are not too high and they are not too low. People may talk as if they are absolutely right, but they may be absolutely wrong regarding your situation.

3) You may be open to hearing other people's ideas and incorporating new information, but that does not make you an indecisive weenie, even if people tend to interpret it that way.

4) You will probably always feel like you are not worthy, and you are always worthy.

5) It is easy for couples to forget that they are couples.

6) If the only doors that are open to you right now relate to your career, go through the doors that are open.

7) It's ok to be sad. It's understandable and reasonable and expected and unavoidable and a perfectly acceptable reaction, but you can't stop there. You have to get to laughter, because laughter is what gives you reason to hope and start the whole fiasco over again.

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