Friday, December 22, 2017

Good day off

I had a pretty nice day yesterday. I actually bought tires the night before, which caused my expression in that picture, but I'm super proud that I did it on my own. Things were pretty tight for a while, but I've been working down the debt wrangling my finances and I am finally self-sufficient. This week it was tires. Last week it was brakes and fixing the rotors and some other car stuff. Plus Christmas. I'd better win the money from the credit union for using my credit card this month. But yeah, researched and purchased brand new tires and it was a good kind of painful. This is the weirdest feeling to be grateful for.

I slept in on my day off- slept in a lot. I took Gus for a long walk and we came across a woman walking her dog, so we let them say hi and she asked if I had a sweater for him. That's been a challenge, since his body is long and tiny, but his chest is huge. She said she had some that were too small for her dog and went home to get them. She handed me a whole pile, and Gus and I- well, I had fun dressing him up. He does need a coat; it's been so cold outside. I think we may have one and it looks warm.

I had to run to meet A&N for lunch, but first I had to create an obstacle course too difficult for Gus to get to the catbox. I was proud of this innovative solution until I realized that nobody wants cat litter scattered across the table. Back to the drawing board, but I am excited about incorporating the corral. He fights too much to stay in it, so I'm either going to use it for the catbox or the trash. It might not keep him in, but it might keep him out! This little turkey is a tank.

So we went to see Star Wars, which might get me in trouble. My "man friend," as Jeffrey likes to call him, is a big Star Wars fan, and was horrified that I am only meh about this cultural phenomenon. I infamously slept through Rogue 1 (One?), so I didn't think it would be a big deal to go without him. I could easily go again and care about as much. And seriously, this guy doesn't have time to go to the movies! But... I actually liked the movie. ... ... .........

So now I feel bad, but maybe it's a good thing, because when he gets back, if it's still in theaters, or even at the second run place, I will make plans to get him there, whereas before I would have just meh'd past it. That was one sentence, guys.

So I got home and made myself some dinner and started working on a gift. I will show you once it's done. I haven't done this in a long time, and it was fun to just sit and crank it out. I think that's how I need to do projects. This is why I rarely send letters, Camille. I keep trying to come back to them like you do, because I really like that they span weeks and give a nice picture of what's going on. Instead, I have 75 started letters, because I can never find the last one. Just sit down and do it- that should be my non-athletic slogan.

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