Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cabin Fever

Well, I got to take a shower (yay!) and we took the bandage off.  That was not fun.  The cut makes my belly button into a T and the puncture is right below that.

I'm distracted by this House Hunters show on HGTV and I am so annoyed by these fortunate and bitchy people who can afford way more than they should.  Waahhh, the built in entertainment center is white.  Six bedrooms and seven bathrooms?  Waahhh, there's no place for a workout room!  Go throw yourself through that huge picture window with a view of the highway.

Sorry.  Jennyway, I am way more sketchy about my belly now that I can see what it looks like.  I want to tape a pillow around my middle and buy a Hoveround.  Today we woke up and came out to the living room, turned on the race, and tried to get comfy.  I couldn't lay down without hurting my ribs or whining, and Chris was suffering from a man cold, so we retreated to the bedroom again.  We laid on the bed sideways (I keep referencing Grammar Girl for lie vs lay) so I could watch TV without laying on my side, which hurts.  I took a nice big Nascar nap and woke up with 7 laps left.  It was an exciting ending.

I have graduated from Saltines to a bagel sub (yesterday) and peanut butter toast (today).

The girls are going a little stir crazy.  Usually when Ant's gone I have to step up the dog duties.  Chris just does not participate voluntarily.  This is important for me to recognize absolutely before we move anywhere else.  We need a yard.  A yard will not replace walks, but these poor girls have to hold it until one of us gets our ass in gear.  Besides, they loved their little yard in Stead.  In nice weather we could leave the door open and they'd lounge in the grass or on the patio.  Nobody had to be told or urged or threatened to let the dogs out because you could be barefoot and in pajamas.  When there really was no time or if we were in no condition, we could throw the ball around for Jasmine.  It really was a small yard but they just need a place to potty and sit in the sun.  Chris just took them to the park and let me know as he was walking out the door just how bad he felt.

As I said, he's suffering from a man cold, which is probably on par with surgery.  Our place is a disaster and I'm afraid he's going to wait for Ant to come home to fix it.  Yesterday he got mad when I got mad at him.  I have to say something about the dogs five times before it happens.  It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't sick but I am going on record now to say that if I ever have to go through surgery again I will only do it if I have a female around to take care of me.  The clutter and mess is making me insane but I am just not up to speed yet.  I can't imagine going to school tomorrow- I'm glad I did this over a holiday. I haven't decided if I'm tagging along to Topaz tomorrow.  I would like to get out of the house and I wouldn't have to move too far, so it would be a nice transitional day, but I don't have the energy to fight off Nikki, the insane chocolate lab who has been cooped up due to the weather.

Tuesday is our counselor and my English class, separated by several hours.  I think I'll ask for a ride to school.  Wednesday is the long day with the heavy bookbag- I'm thinking I would whittle it down to the laptop and not much else.

Of course, I should be feeling a lot better by the day.  I can't imagine that now.  I want to move, and I REALLY want to clean but hopefully this will be my last incapacitated day.  We need to do laundry something fierce but I can't carry it and I can just see trying to convince Chris.  He'll wait for his minion, I'm sure.  We'd better get out the extra allowance money.

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