Friday, February 25, 2011

This is torture.

I really thought I could use this time for a nap but Cesar was working with an aggressive dog and ever since Reggie added me to a Farmville group I've been getting more requests than I know what to do with.  So yeah, I got stuck watching and farting around... goddamn Farmville.  It's so easy now I may be inclined to stop soon.  But as vices go, it's not nearly as dangerous as smokies and Diet Cokies.

I keep trying to do too much, apparently.  I am desperate to clean, and yesterday I went to work but I was really wrecked and nauseated and that was without taking any Vicodin!  Figure that one out.  Today I lazed around a while, then showered and started picking up clutter and caca.  Suddenly I had a sharp pain in my belly, then another and another until it was throbbing and Chris helped me to the couch.  It relented once I laid down.  Great.  A week isn't enough?  I haven't done dammit.  I'm so bored.

So Chris is out running errands for his gig Sunday and he's due back any minute to take me to see my Occupational Therapy appointment.  After that we'll hit the post office (where I'll stay in the Dodge) and then we'll take the dogs to the park (where I'll stay in the Dodge).  Then Ant and Chris will go grocery shopping and I will stay home and be very upset that I'm missing yet another trip to the store.  I actually considered driving one of those silly chairs around- I'm THAT serious about not missing a trip to the store.  I love grocery shopping!  But sigh... sharp pains are not on the list.

Uh-oh Update:
Chris says the roads are terrible so I'm rescheduling my appointment and we're only taking care of the dogs.  It's supposed to snow all day so I guess we'll suffer from cabin fever together.  Looks like a movie night!

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