Friday, April 22, 2011

Dammit! and Awesome!

What the hell did I do today to get 12500 steps?

I stood all morning, working on my book.  I got four pages printed, four more to go (I think).  My partner is only printing her colophon, the rest she's writing or drawing in.  No linoleum blocks.  I wish I had taken a picture of the type I printed today because it came out awesome but you'll have to settle for seeing my first lino block print.

Not bad for someone in a wrist brace.

Speaking of which, I went back to the Occupational Therapist today.  He confirmed that I am, in fact, a ding-dong.  The brace only had a velcro strap holding my thumb.  Obviously, that didn't keep me from moving it.  This time I got a customized splint, a follow up appointment in a month, and a lecture on actually not moving my thumb this time.

Cause you know, I've been writing, washing dishes, carrying heavy galleys of type, walking the dogs, turning on the car, carrying groceries, opening doors, you know- those totally unnecessary tasks.  Apparently this will never heal without absolute rest.  If it doesn't improve I get a shot in my hand.  That got my attention.  So now I have this custom molded and flammable piece of plastic to keep my thumb in a resting position.  The OT tells me I can write because it doesn't require a strong grip, but picking up folders and papers does.

Holding a pen means I have to bring my fingers to my thumb or hold it between my first and middle fingers.

The OT gave me a foam thingee so I can hold a pen easier.  I thought this was awesome.

So that's exciting news.

After the VA appointment I went home to get Ant, go to school to pick up homework for the mindfulness class, take the dogs to the park, drop Ant with his friend, take the movie back and pick up something for dinner.  I bought a bagged salad and a roll to go with the chicken patty I had at home.  I also bought two succulents.  Let's hope I don't kill them.  Chris texted that he was ready to go so I drove over to his friend's house, texted him that I was there, and waited in the Dodge.  After a while, his friend came out and informed me that Chris was at his new stage.  Chris forgot to mention that part.  On my way over there I saw a medium sized black dog sniffing around in a vacant lot.  She was wearing a harness and tags.  I pulled over and tried to convince her that I was nice.  She was terrified and wouldn't come near me.  I called Animal Control and tried not to chase her into the street.  She crossed anyway and went down a side street so I parked nearby and turned on my flashers.  At first I thought she was home because she was standing by a gate but then she sniffed through another yard.  I grabbed a leash and started searching for food.  Why, after several years and numerous loose dog sightings, have I not put dog cookies in the car?  I'm thinking and thinking and realize I have a roll in the backseat.  My first few throws startle her but she immediately comes back for the bread.  Then she's eating from my hand and I'm trying to read her tag.  I call the number but get a recording that says it's not in service yet.  I hold the bread closer and closer to me and try to figure out how I'm going to hold her harness and clip the leash on before she freaks out and suddenly she's bolting anyway.

I follow where I think she went and all I see is a guy in a car.  He starts to back up and sees me.  He rolls down the window and I ask, "Was that your dog?"  He says yes and suddenly I see her through the tinted windows.  "She was terrified," I tell him.  He thanks me and asks where she was.  He tells me that his son fed her and took her out with no leash.  Then he drives off and I realize that she bolted because she heard him getting into his car.  I thought his reaction was really weird.  Where was he going?  Did he plan on the dog coming along?  Is this a regular occurrence?  But at least she made it home safe.  I called Animal Control back and went on my merry way.

I picked Chris up and he said he was starving and had to run back to the stage, so we swung through Jimboy's Tacos and he dropped me off at home.  I can eat the salad tomorrow and Chris said he wouldn't be eating with me so I only bought the one roll.  How about that for unintentional intuition?

Oh, and this morning when I put on the jeans that I can barely squeeze into?  They slid right on.  12501, 12502, 12503, 12504...

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