Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Well, that was awesome...

Why am I so woozy?  I feel groggy and weird.  Somebody get me a cupcake.  If that won't solve the problem at least it will taste good.

Okay so I'm fighting through my wooziness to tell you about my day.  Don't worry, it's the short version.

We had a good visit with our counselor and she cut us loose.  We'll have a follow up in a while but it was nice that she feels we're doing good.

Chris had to pick up something for his stage and while we were in that area we went by the thrift store to pick up two beautiful lamps I'd seen on Sunday.  I used a coupon.

We took the dogs for a walk at the park and enjoyed the sunshine.  The girls skittered about with smiles on their faces.

By the way, I love that Snickers commercial with Roseanne.  Frickin awesome.

Okay so then I ran off to school.  Today was the last presentation (Remember that I got that out of the way at the beginning of the semester?  Hee hee go Jenny.) and I rolled my eyes through a lot of it.  One guy said when and where the author was born, where she went to school, and what books she'd written. That was IT.  The other people did a bit more work, but the guy who covered diction was really awesome.  Anyway, we got our analysis papers back at the end of class.

I packed everything up and carried my paper out to the Dodge so I could read it on the way.  At the top she'd written: "Outstanding"

Whoa.  I read through her remarks and at the end was this:

"An absolutely flawless essay- I'd love to copy this!  Very well done, Jenny."

I almost cried.  I am so excited.  This is the essay that I started early and came back to it an hour or two at a time.  I guess that approach worked.  :D

I just got back from walking the dogs.  It was cooler but still nice outside.  Now I'm off to make some quiche for dinner.  Mmmm.

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