Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oh no you didn't.

Today I drove Jenea around to look for a buffet for her living room.

I just got home from doing laundry and I have to get up early tomorrow so I really need to be eating popcorn and watching Die Hard right now but I had to tell you about this one thing.

We were in St. Vincent's where there's this very nice but completely loopy woman working the register.  We waited forever in line because she was just ridiculously slow.  We finally got up to the register and she rung up my baskets and glasses.  While I was paying she handed one of my baskets over to Jenea, saying, "Here, you want to give your mom a hand?"  My head pops up like a meerkat and Jenea lets out a "AHuh."  The lady goes, "Or... your friend..." and we grab my stuff and just go, leaving behind a suddenly very quiet lady and a very quiet line of customers.

Outside, Jenea tells me that she thinks the lady didn't even look up at us until after she said that horrible line.  Even so, she said, I'm pretty socially awkward and I would never say something like that.  If you're going to assume a family relation, always go with sisters which at worst is going to be complimentary to somebody.  She said all this while I just retained meerkat behavior.

Now, Jenea always looks cute but I'll admit I looked especially frumpy today.  It was rainy and cold so I was wearing a very sensible windbreaker and mom jeans that were too short, but it was laundry day.  Okay, I get the message, cute over comfy from now on.  But even so, what a ding-dong.

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