Monday, April 25, 2011

Or maybe we need more grits.

Ant just came to say goodnight in a Southern accent.  That was kind of strange because this morning I was fixin' Chris's breakfast and could not stop saying "Paeynit buttah."  I brought him his food and we giggled through horrible Southern accents for like faeftaen maenits.  So maybe something's wrong with our kitchen.  We need a grits exorcism or something.

I told Ant about that and he said this would be our new "What did you do today?" item.  On Saturday we hit Game Stop so Ant could blow his Easter money.  When we left the parking lot I started "Vrrroooooom!"ing and "EEEAAArrrrrrkkk!"ing to correspond with my driving.  Ant giggled and started voicing the long "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" sounds between stops.  We laughed and I told him it would be great later when Daddy asked us what we did today.

"Made car noises."

Except we had to prompt him to ask.  So make sure to ask, because we might have a silly answer in store for you.

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