Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I feel relieved, sort of.

I changed my work schedule so I have Friday to work on my book project.  I'll work two days next week when the classes are dying out.  Tomorrow I will be at school ALL DAY which sucks, but it is the end of the semester.  Go go go.

I just read that a way to prevent varicose veins is to prop your feet up each night for 15 minutes.  You don't have to tell me twice.  I started that last night and could not motivate myself to move again.  "You want me to pull your clothes off so you don't have to get up?" Chris asked.  How kind of you, honey!  It may sound pathetic, but that should give you an idea of how exhausted I was.

Let's make that how exhausted I am.  I feel like I live here at UNR.  It's like those nightmares I started having when I worked at Linens 'n Things about folding a mountain of towels except this is not a dream.  Here is a sample conversation I had with my book arts teacher this morning:

Bob: "Well, the sheet of book board is 30 inches by 20 so if your pages are 9x6 and you need to add 1/8 of an inch to three sides then you'll need to cut 9 1/4 by 6 1/8 so 9 times 3 is 27, that leaves you room there, 6 times 3 is 18 so you'll be able to get 3 across and three down so 9 per sheet.  You'll need another sheet of book board.

Jenny: "Nine...?"

Three of my classmates are collaborating on a zombie bible called the Holy Biiible.  I feel like I belong in their book.

It was in book arts this morning that I realized how completely confused I am today and that confusion + $5 per sheet book board + cutting table = big mistakes and temper tantrums.  I asked Bob if I could come back tomorrow.  Hopefully I will be less zombie-like tomorrow morning.  An art history classmate asked me to help her study so I will be here until the mindfulness class.  I will probably nap through the meditations.

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