Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tracy, I'm sorry.  We just got home from the laundromat and I just found out that my phone was on silence.  Tomorrow?  (Asked sweetly in a wittle voice?)

We came home to the smell of poop.  "ARRRGGHH!" cried Ant.  "Not again!!!"

"Again?" I asked.

Apparently there were some unhappy poops earlier today in Ant's room.  I don't know how bad the first ones were, but this one smelled terrible.

"Well, I'm off," said Chris.

"Like hell," I said.

Chris hurriedly hung the shirts up.  Ant scrubbed his floor.  He started talking to himself.

"This is fresh.  It's about... 54 minutes old."

"What is this, PSI Reno?" I called from the kitchen.  "Poop Scene Investigation?"

"Huh?" asked Ant.

Chris laughed from the bedroom.

Ant told me that he would need to ask me some questions.

"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." I replied.

"Round up all the animals," he said.  "They are all suspects."

He was headed outside to return the basin.

"Did you use warm water and a cleaning agent?" I asked.

"The agent is me, Jenny." he said.  "The agent is MEEEE!"

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