Wednesday, August 17, 2011

San Diego Pictures

Note to self: Buy more toothpaste.

Here I am with my Aunt Susan modeling flowers from Dad's front yard.

I burned my poor wittle wegs at the beach so Dad went out to his yard and got me some aloe.

We went back to the beach later for dinner.  Here's Susan.

I love succulents.  I don't know if that pea looking thing is a succulent, but it looks like it and I want it.

Here is Susan playing with bubble wrap.  The damn things were nearly unpoppable.

Me and my cousin Niki finally seeing each other after 22 years.  Apparently I inherited only half of Mom's can't-smile-without-squinting condition.

Here I am with Niki and her friend Rox.  Niki and I are texting each other in order to have a private conversation at the table.

Here is Dad as a young'un.

Dad's friend must have made a hundred of these cookies.  Be thankful I'm not showing you the cake.

Dad played some songs at his party.

I also got him in red.

This is at the meditation garden.  I was fascinated by the koi.

He is a very hungry hippo.

Maybe the photography class will not be so bad.

Here's me, Dad, and some lady.


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