Sunday, June 24, 2012

But right now it's time for a dog walk.

Whenever I pick Bubba up and no one else is in the car who will call him out, he tells me tall tales the whole way home. Last night he told me lots of whoppers, but my favorite one was that when he started going to the Boys & Girls club, no one would talk to him until he competed in an epic rap battle.

It has also become a tradition for me to whisper the best tall tales of the night to Chris when he gets home and he guffaws into his pillow.

The boys went exploring and played video games while I starting making bread dough. Later, I watched a movie in my room while the boys had a Nerf gun war in the rest of the house and the animals hid behind me. Once the spirit of Rambo left, they went into Ant's room to watch Paul, then Dude, Where's My Car, then Paul again.

I finished up the bread late and I didn't let it rise long enough, but in the end result it didn't matter. Every time I left my room I swooned at the smell of fresh bread. It tasted awesome. I may try to make more today while I know what I did wrong. It's supposed to be cool today, so better to try today than when it's 95 outside. Besides, these loaves will be gone fast and I would like to try to freeze some.

Mmmmm, fresh baked bread!

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