Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Stupid phone

Hopefully you already know everything's fine.

Nice that the update posted, but not the original blog.  Stupid phone.

I wasn't planning on going to the ER (known as the ED for Emergency Department, but that makes me think Erectile Dysfunction, so I can't call it that), but my counselor told me I needed to make sure everything was fine rather than assume.

I started having what I think are migraine headaches Thursday, and assumed it was from staring at the computer.  I had another on Sunday, then one more on Monday.  Three of those in five days made me think it was something to go back to my doctor for.  I tried to have a coworker send a note letting him know I would swing through Urgent Care after my appointment with my counselor on Tuesday, but my coworker said it was a symptom and made me go talk to the nurse.  She said to go to the ER, but she has to tell me that, so I'd try to see my doctor after the counselor appt.

She came out to the waiting room to get me and said I was in trouble.  She'd seen the note and told me that sudden symptoms that are not normal should be checked out, and asked if I knew the warning signs for strokes.  Uhhhhhhh...

She asked me questions about the headaches, then went to consult the nurse.  No dice, said the nurse.  ER.  So off I went.

It feels horrible to go to the ER and have the nurses look at you like you're retarded.  I explained why I was there to three different people and got weird looks from all of them.

"Are you having a headache now?"


They would purse their lips.  It's understandable.  They see lots of people who don't really need to be there.  And they rolled their eyes when I said I had been sent from Primary Care.  There doesn't seem to be much love between those two departments.  It was fun when the nurse came in and asked why I was there (in my gown.  Why did I get a gown?  I didn't have to wear one when I broke my hand, and I was out of there much sooner!).  When I told her it was for migraines and back pain, trying to eliminate stroke symptoms, you could just FEEL her restraining herself.  The doctors didn't make me feel like an idiot, though.  There was a very nice doctor who felt they were tension headaches, not migraines, but the other doctor, the head honcho, said they were probably migraines.  Headaches, whatever.  They checked my blood sugar before giving me the muscle relaxer, and I let the tech (?) stab my finger.  Why?  When will I learn my lesson?  I even told him that some nurse stabbed the tip of my pinkie finger years ago, and it took MONTHS to heal.  That is a terrible place to stab, by the way.  There's bone and nerve endings up there.  OUCH.  This guy assured me that that nurse was retarded and he knew where the padding was, so I let him.  He got the right spot, but pushed that damn spring-loaded stabber into my finger so far that it didn't stop bleeding for a while.  This is why I would never let Chris stab my finger, even if I was driving.  He pushed the stabber too far into my finger, because that's how hard he had to do it to his own finger to get any blood.  Yeah, you with the man hands.  Duh- of course you'll need more pressure.  So never again.

You should have seen me in there, trying to get a picture of myself.  The nurses must have really thought I was retarded.  But I got cleared- no neurological problems here- and as an added bonus, they gave me some help for my back.  Whew.

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