Thursday, December 20, 2012


I walk in this morning to find a little Christmas merriment on my desk. Baked goodies from one of the nurses and the little light-up USB Christmas tree that has been making the rounds, spending each day on a different person's desk. How nice! :D

Then I open my email and find a nastygram from one of the providers. He was barking at me for scheduling new patients the way I was taught to... and the way I've been doing it for the last 10 months without hearing a word. He sent a copy to my boss and his boss.

"Good morning!" I wrote back.

There was more to my email, but I killed him with kindness and his response was a little sheepish and a lot nicer, even if he did completely contradict himself. It's not his job or mine to change protocol, so copying both our bosses is exactly what's in order. I'll let them duke it out, but in the meantime, go pee on someone else's parade.

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