Monday, December 31, 2012

Stupid un-updatable browser

Why can't I fix the picture without deleting the whole damn blog?  I am buying a computer soon.  Stupid government computers stuck in the dark ages...

I forgot to tell you that we drove around to look at Christmas lights Wednesday night. That is a tradition that I really enjoy, so I'm glad we did that. We brought Riley with us, as we have done for many of our errands.
And- my meter has been acting up. I had to switch it out before I left because the battery light kept coming on even with new batteries. So I brought my extra one and it had the battery light on too! I brought an extra battery and last night the meter refused to work. I changed the battery and that didn't work. How do both meters die within a couple weeks of each other for the same reason? Luckily, Dad is also a diabetic, so I used his meter. Then we debated going to the VA and I know the system well enough now to know that we'd have to go the main hospital rather than the local outpatient clinic. We priced new meters and decided it was worth it to just hit the drug store. We picked up a replacement meter for $20. (The meter is cheap- it's the test strips that will bleed you dry). Dad used his rewards card and now the meter is $15. Then we get home and find a card: "$15 rebate!" Nice.

Later that night, we made banana muffins and Stella dropped by to bring me some books she wanted me to read. We were talking a lot about changes at lunch yesterday and she was very excited for me and my new adventures. She also brought me lip gloss. Stella was the Chanel lady at Macy's for many years.
I shared some of my super fancy tea and she wanted to save the packaging, just like I did at the Sea Pearl years ago. We had a nice talk, lots of laughs, and gingerbread cookies. Stella said she didn't normally like gingerbread (because they are always hard) but that these were soft and delicious and she wanted the recipe. Jody was also wary of giving out gingerbread for the same reason, but liked these gingerbread. Because really, who wants hard cookies? Oh- and regarding the sugar cookies, Jody said people kept asking her if they came from a tube. Such people are rude and indiscriminating and for both reasons undeserving of homemade cookies made from scratch.

I am getting up now to do some laundry and eat breakfast. Must get started early because I have to pack the car and today is Dog Beach! More Riley pictures, yay!

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