Sunday, April 14, 2013

If I can get out of bed

A special thank you to Solo for waking me up this morning. I feed her around 7 on weekdays, so she feels the same should apply every day. But this is the weekend, Mini!

I did not go to any classes at the gym during this past work week, so I decided I must go this weekend. I have been not really trying to get to the Body Pump (light weights, lots of repetition) class on Saturday mornings, but it's all I had left this week. I set my alarm and had my yoga pants on before I could invent any reasons to stay home. I went- go Jenny.

But as I approached the classroom and saw the schedule board... oh damn. There's that schedule change they were talking about. Body Pump is now at 10. Body COMBAT is at 9. Oh well, I'm here.

Body Combat sounds like boot camp, doesn't it? An intense, comprehensive workout that will kick your ass. It is, but it's also about kicking someone else's ass. You know those silly aerobic moves where you lift up your knee and simultaneously bring your arms down on either side? We did those, but while imagining that we're bringing someone's head down on our knee and cracking their skull open. "That's where the abs come from," she explained. We punched a lot, and had to keep our hands up by our cheekbones like a boxer. We swung elbows as the instructor cried, "Hit him in the eyebrow! Hit him in the chin!" We kicked to the front and the back and she yelled at us. "I'M SEEING ROCKETTES! YOU ARE NOT ROCKETTES! GET HIM AWAY FROM YOU!" We did a lot of jumping and even pinned an imaginary culprit to the ground and punched the living shit out of him.

Zumba is going to be cake after this. I normally don't feel the results from Zumba until two days later, but I felt this immediately. Everything hurts today. I will move like a turtle tomorrow.

If that wasn't enough, I walked the hill with Jody and hiked the mall in search of 16 inch silver chains for my favorite pendants. And walked Riley two other times as well. I slept through the second half of Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. And now I imagine I should go feed the cat and start my laundry before anyone else decides that Sunday is laundry day.

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