Thursday, April 18, 2013


I'm feeling a bit judgmental this evening, so don't get too close.  I wondered if I'd rather do something productive like make my lunch for tomorrow or something seemingly unproductive like record my horrid thoughts here.  I'm sure I'll get to some lovelier conclusion here.

Trader Joe's had daffodils cheaper than Smith's, so I bought two bunches.  I can smell them.  They smell like flowers.  If they have a distinguishing smell I would have no idea.  I like daffodils because they're yellow, they look weird, and they remind me of a doll I had.  All I can remember is Rose Petal Place, but Tracy had the Rose doll, I think.  I had the yellow one with the daffodil hat.  I would wear a hat like that.  She had a yellow dress that was also supposed to resemble a daffodil and she was supposed to smell like a daffodil, but there again- no idea.  What I liked most about her was her little yellow flats.  They didn't come off, but I admired them anyway.  Who sells yellow shoes?  Maybe I need some yellow shoes.

I had a whole lot of no calls today.  I helped my boss create a memo that clarified a very fuzzy directive with lots of ands, ifs, nots, and buts.  I felt so valued, important, and helpful.  That was a nice way to start the morning.  Then she asked me to do a very monotonous task, but one that needed thorough attention to detail, and she trusted that I would do just that.  Today went by so fast.

But language problems... people randomly capitalizing words to emphasize their importance, I suppose.  It feels like we're back in Ben Franklin days and people will start talking about Purity and Self-Reliance.  If you want to emphasize something, that's what bold and underline are for.  Not quotation marks, unless you're being sarcastic.

But what the hell am I talking about, anyway?  Oh, so apparently a threat was made by somebody important one time years ago, and everyone that worked there at the time took this person's words literally (another good way of showing emphasis) instead of understanding his meaning.  No, I was not there at the time, but the meaning is pretty apparent.  I was both astounded and baffled as I was told that I need to come up with a new way to say exactly the same thing, because they think he has forbidden the use of two words.  He hasn't forbidden the words- he has forbidden the carelessness that was behind them, but if I explain any more, I'll have to go further into it than necessary, so let's just say that today I was reminded about the importance of language.  And that one should not make extreme threats at all, but especially ones that have not been carefully thought out, lest someone SERIOUSLY misinterprets them.

But then in another upturn, my coworker said she would join my gym so we could go to classes together.  How awesome is that?  I'm going to be a busy bee.  Maybe that's why I bought my little bee earrings.  I wanted bees, did I tell you about that strange urge?  Then some little girl asked me if they were cooties or something, I don't really remember what she thought they were, and her brother corrected her and said they were bees.  (They were petting Riley.)

"Why bees?" she asked.

"Because it's spring," he answered.  "Right?"

You got it, kiddo.

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