Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Quiet days

Been feeling pretty quiet.
The sad news about my coworker is a weird thing to work around.  It feels like a cliché to say that things are kind of getting back to normal and at the same time, not.  There are these things to consider now: how to deal with, change, and acknowledge the hole.  How to convey our care to her family; what are the appropriate assumptions to make.
It’s a weird place to be in, to have everything be fine and normal until you suddenly remember that everything is not fine and normal.
I don’t know what has happened to me in the past many years, but I don’t think I used to be this tied into emotions.  That was my biggest strength in the Strengths Finder test: Empathy.  Next was Relator (which I read every time as Realtor, not at all the same thing, catch up, baby tomato.)
Anyway, I’ve just been working on puzzles, running errands, walking Riley… and being here.  I’m glad there are some things to look forward to.  There’s a play at UNR I might go see, and I think I will get my haircut trimmed back into shape.  Zumba is tomorrow, and come hell or high water, I must go.  My legs still hurt some from the Saturday Body Destroyer class, or whatever that was called.  The rest of my body has recovered.  Zumba will feel like a cake walk.  Yeah, right.  Ask me about that later.
My current challenge is to do my homework done for the apprentice class and to get Riley to eat green beans.  I hope that bacon encourages both endeavors.  And don’t you dare say nobody needs bacon.  You know that’s not true.
Ah, and it snowed yesterday and today.  Friday is supposed to be 70.  Spring in Reno, yay!

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