Sunday, July 21, 2013

How's My Thriving?

Next time I'm going to finish the blog first, because I get derailed and when I come back to it, I'm in a different place.

It's getting late and Mini is watching the bubbles in my seltzer water. What the hell is happening here? When did I start liking seltzer? And- more importantly- when did I turn into my mother?

I have a question for you guys: Does it seem like I'm making progress?

I can't tell. Right now I feel antsy and unproductive. The heat is intolerable, and keeps me trapped indoors, undistracted from what needs to be fixed, but I'd rather do anything else. It's been movies lately, but now it's time to finish everything up and clear the table for the next big project.

Now, my horoscope says.

August is when everything starts or ends. I'll see enough change then, I guess. For now- for the end of July- I just have to run it out, give it that extra energy you have only because you're near the finish line.

I cooked meat tonight- can't remember the last real meal I made. I had baked chicken, and while I broke down and decided to buy Mrs. Dash, they didn't have any, so I did some seasoned salt and garlic powder, marjoram... and... let's see... ground mustard. Well, call me Mrs. Pinch, because that was excellent. I'll be having some cold chicken for lunch tomorrow, mmm-hmmm. I know it's 100 degrees outside and I'm not supposed to be using the oven, but sometimes you need a hot dinner that doesn't involve the microwave.

So whatever, back to work tomorrow, a presentation to edit, a job to apply for, loose ends, chores, and errands. Not fun, but necessary. Almost there.

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