Friday, August 30, 2013


I was going to write this earlier, but short blogs need to be written on the phone, I guess. Now we're outside under a mostly blue sky with only brown smudgy parts near the horizon. News articles say that the Rim Fire is probably going to continue for a few more weeks, but the air is mostly breathable outside today.

Before my movie nap, I wanted to tell you that I have signed up for a crochet class- I am pretty excited about that.

Also, I am wondering how to keep track of where I last stabbed myself. The doctor explained that I need to move an inch at a time across, then down an inch and back across, but it is not that easy to keep track of. I can't find the marks and am considering ink poisoning as a solution. If they make pens for writing on fabric, surely they make pens that are safe for writing on people. What do surgeons use? And what do you call that game where the board is a graph of dots and you have to make complete squares, because that's gonna be my new nickname. I don't know how else I can keep track of where I'm at. Any ideas? I don't need any help figuring out where the next Lantus shot goes. It goes right next to the spot that hurts. :(

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