Saturday, January 22, 2011

Funny Ha Ha

So we were at Wal-Mart today waiting for an oil change.  This is a dangerous thing to do because for at least an hour you end up wandering around finding things to buy.  I was perusing the $2 nail polish options when Chris came up to me with an ceramic incense/tea light holder burner thing and some cinnamon bun scented incense.

My look must have said, "Do we really need this?" because he started defending it.

"It's not very much and our house always smells weird.  And I really like cinnamon buns."

I just looked at him.

He murmured in my ear, "I like these cinnamon buns," and pinched my butt.

"Then smell that," I said.

He immediately turned and walked away.  "That's disgusting."


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