Monday, January 17, 2011

So Frustrated...

I am missing a paycheck from my work study job... from November.  I resubmitted the time sheet for the third time last week and on Friday I sent in another one.  That's $800 I've earned but can't touch yet.

And Financial Aid... they should change their name to Financial Unhelpful.  Let's start placing bets on when I will receive my check- I've got to make money somehow.  Once again I am left dangling with nothing.  I checked in with financial aid two weeks ago and was assured that everything was in order- the Pell Grant would come through in time to pay tuition and the loan should be the week after that.  Well, this is the loan week and according to the Department of Education, my school plans to disburse my funds on January 17th.  Today's a holiday, so I guess that means tomorrow.  I was prepared for that wait, but where is the frigging Pell Grant?  If ePAWS still shows nothing tomorrow morning, I guess I'll spend my first day of school standing in line for hours waiting to be told god knows what.  Maybe they've got another surprise in store for me like last semester.  There ought to be security guards and licensed therapists standing by at that counter.  My violent angry demonic side envisions a large platter of bricks arranged nicely on a doily on the students' side of the counter.  I bet that would inspire the people who worked there to be a little more careful.

Yes, I should probably go take some more anger management classes.  I have confessed before that when my computer doesn't know what I want it to do I slam the mouse down several times as if that will help.  Then I yell, then I cry.  I'm laughing now, which is of course exactly why I tell you these things.  I have to vomit rage until I can giggle about it and what better place to do that than an imaginary world where I can take fabulous dream road trips instead of spending Spring Break crawling back and forth to the bathroom?

I had lots of rage this morning starting when I checked to see if FA (Frigging Assholes) had forked over my money yet.  Of course not.  Is my VA pay here yet?  Nope.  Is it on its way?  Ha ha ha.  So I called Charter to ask why they were sending me a disconnect notice for my house phone.  I was all prepared to fight about it but the guy said to disregard the letter, my payment had cleared and I had until the 24th the pay this month's bill.


Nothing makes you feel like an asshole like getting all charged up over... well, nothing.

Sheepishly I say, "Ok, no that's all I needed.  Thanks!"

Now if I could just get that kind of response from FA (Fraudulent Armamentarium):

"Oh, Miss Pickerell, we're so sorry for the miscommunication!  We forgot to update ePAWS because we were so busy working 20 hour shifts through the holiday weekend to process everyone's financial aid before the semester started!  We have erased your late fees and here, let's not have you wait for snail mail, you can pick up your check now.  We added in the scholarship you were supposed to get during the fall semester.  Oh, and here's a 50% off coupon for the bookstore.  We give them to all the students we've inconvenienced."

Jenny slowly lowers her brick...

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