Friday, January 21, 2011

Time to stop dressing in the dark.

All day yesterday I felt at peace, even when I forgot to bring change and had to park at Valley and 8th.  I had left myself enough time to walk so that helped, but more importantly I just knew financial aid was coming.  Sure enough, I found a check in the mailbox when I got home.  AND at work earlier, I had checked my VA benefits online and it finally showed a paycheck on the way.  I can't tell if it's the one from November or now, but one down, one to go.

At home, I ran in to drop my bookbag, grab my purse and Ant.  I found him sitting in Chris's lap, crying.  He was very upset because that morning, after I left for work, Chris came out of the room singing, "It's January 20th today!"

"What's so special about that?" Ant asked.

"It's my birthday," said Chris.

Ant felt horrible.  He got all upset about it again that afternoon.  Chris hugged him and swore it was okay.  :(

I dragged Ant with me and we hit the bank and a couple stores to search for gifts.  I really hate doing that last minute but I was broke, as you all know.  Ant picked out a funny card and some earmuffs and gloves.  We also got him a replacement tea kettle (after he broke the last one with his man paws).  Chris recently explained to me that he is uncomfortable receiving gifts- he'd rather buy his own toys.  Yes, I get that by now.  He said he'd rather get practical gifts, like underwear- things he'd rather not spend money on.  Plus he just got back from that NAMM conference in L.A.  That was his birthday present, so I had to work against my inner guilt/generosity and decide that that was enough and not go overboard.  So he got three little gifts (that I got GREAT deals on), and we went out for Indian food for his birthday dinner.

He opened his presents when we got home and Ant made us tea.  Then I went into my room and finally noticed that all day long I had been wearing a zebra print bra under a pale yellow shirt.  Nice.

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