Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ack! 18 minutes left!

Oh, good grief.  I spent all that time marking that one element and it turns out I need several elements.  Shoot.  I am going to try to point out different elements within my element, but I'll try to find some others too.  Poo.  Looks like I'll be bringing the laptop to school again tomorrow.  At least I finished my other homework and wrote a few pages of the paper.

Now I'm going to try to collect everything I will need in the morning so I have a chance in hell of being on time, then around 10 I'll take my shot and go finish my March book.  I have a big book that I think I'll save for May.  I bought The Hunger Games at the thrift store the other day- that will be my April book.  I've read a lot about it and Stephen King says it's

"A violent, jarring, speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense... I couldn't stop reading."

That might be dangerous if I have to read other things, but I only have one book left for Literary Nonfiction and then just frickin frackin Art History and besides, it might be nice to burn through a book and finish it within the month.

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