Thursday, April 14, 2011

Past My Bedtime

My excuse for writing a blog right now is that I have to take my shot at ten o'clock anyway.  Of course, I could be preparing my snack or getting in jammies but I felt compelled to come write.

What's so wrong with writing now?  I got up early.  I made it to work on time.  I kept circling around my very rough draft until I was able to actually work on it.  It is probably the most coherent draft I have ever brought to a workshop.  I got verbal jabs from my dickhead boss and didn't stab him in the throat.  I drove to school and jockeyed for a parking spot at the meters.  I stalked the lot and lost a spot to a pudgy frat boy.  I waved and said thank you.  But then I got a spot so it was okay.  I even got to class on time.  Today was workshop day so I got 2.5 extra credit points just for showing up.  I was invited to join a group, which is always nice, but it consisted of a very old lady and the girl who doesn't know what a dildo is.  Don't look at me like that, it was in the book we just read.  I got to offer suggestions and corrections to the dildo girl's paper (What else do you want me to call her?) that she responded well to.  We had a good discussion about her paper.  The old lady was lost and trying to get us to tell her how to do the Works Cited page in MLA style.  The teacher invited her- again- to worry about that later and talk about the paper.  So that was obnoxious and a waste of time but then I read my paper and they both laughed at a lot of it.  Whew!  They both had some helpful suggestions but when the teacher came by, dildo girl (I feel bad for this now) told her she should collect my paper now because it was done.  :D  Yes, I know, I'm an asshole.

So after class I skittered on home, parked, and found one of the maintenance guys at my window.  He's always been nice to me because I pick up after my dogs but today he was not happy.  Apparently Chris has been running over the sprinkler head and this guy has had to replace it twice.  Next time we have to pay for it.  Now, wait a minute.  There is no separation between the asphalt and the grass- isn't that usually what a curb is for?  Second, the sprinkler is right at the edge of the grass halfway down the parking spot.  Ours are the first two spots on this side and Chris has to park in the last spot because the van is very long.  To add to the fun there's a big stupid orange broken down truck parked in the towaway zone behind us so it provides an obstacle to parking straight.  When I told Chris he said, "What sprinkler head?"  Exactly.  Why replace it and not warn us?  If he doesn't know it's there he'll just keep running over it!  They can shove it.

I took the dogs out to potty, came back in, changed my shoes and took them for a walk.  Halfway down the block I realized I didn't have a toy for Jasmine and I'm not secure enough to bring her to the dog walk without one so we went back and then started the walk over.  We played at the dog park for a little while and I don't even remember the walk home.  Once we got back I got the oven going for dinner and desperately tried to finish The Hunger Games before I had to leave again.  I finished the book and dinner with 7 minutes to spare.  I changed into sweats, packed my bag, and drove off to the Mindfulness training.  We started with yoga exercises and I promptly crashed.  I stepped out and felt really intelligent for packing emergency juice and granola bars.  When I stepped back in it was time for the body scan so we laid down on our mats in the "corpse" pose (lovely) and I had to constantly redirect my attention to what I was supposed to be doing.  Can you imagine a nonstop day like this and suddenly you're lying on the floor focused on nothing but your breathing?  I tried many times to get my attention back but my brain said "Fine, you want to relax?"  I woke up when the instructor rang the tiny gong bowl.

The class ended past 9 and I drove home and took the dogs out.  I pulled the laptop out of my bookbag and settled in on the couch.  Riley came clicking down the hall and I heard her go into the Pickle Parlor. "Are you looking for me?" I asked.  She speed clicked into the living room and flopped on the couch next to me.  She is currently waiting for me to stop typing and rub her belly.  She made huffy noises through most of this blog.

So now it's 10:22 and my alarm has been going off every five minutes since 10, reminding me to go take my shot.  I am worn out and I do not know if I am going to work tomorrow, as it is optional.  I'm not setting my alarm, that's for sure.  I am wrecked.  But I finished my April book (YEAH!) and of course it's a cliffhanger so I'll have to find the other two now AND I wrote a rough draft that is in really good shape AND I dragged myself to this class tonight even though I really wanted to blob instead.  Tonight I remembered to congratulate myself because even if I haven't been practicing at home much, it is still quite a feat to show up to these classes as busy as I have made myself.  Doing these exercises at all is a feat- going to this class is a feat and as the instructor said, it is going against the grain.  We're practicing being instead of doing.  It is harder than you might think.

AND for my final note: I already took the pedometer off but today I marked 11,741 steps.

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