Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Whiny whiny whiny...

Somebody's perfume is giving me a headache.

This morning I went to Book Arts, talked to the teacher and found out I might be able to take the class again in the fall.  He asked me about registration and I realized that my appointment to register is... today?  I checked my email (on this fine handy laptop) and was relieved to see my appointment is not until 4.  Then I tried to check the schedule online to see if Book Arts would jive with my schedule but UNR's website was not behaving.  I wrote an email to the head guru at Art Department asking pretty please can I just take Book Arts instead of Painting or Sculpture.  I set type for the title of my book, proofed it and skittered off to the student union for the first meeting of Nrgy, this fitness program I joined.  Everyone got a free pedometer and an explanation of the program.  I am wearing the pedometer now and I have to keep reminding myself to stop jiggling my leg.  I just finished the homework that's due in... half an hour even though I couldn't get onto the library website to access real journals so this grade will not be pretty.  During my next break I'll be wrangling my creative essay into something less of a derailment so that I can go to the workshop tomorrow and earn extra credit.  I will also try to figure out how to dump the lienholder off the Dodge with DMV and Progressive, eat lunch, do a ten minute meditation, then undo all the stress relieving when I attempt- again- to get onto UNR's website.  I may give up and read The Hunger Games.  Speaking of which, did they cast Jennifer Lawrence because she played essentially the same character in Winter's Bone?  Not that I've seen that.  Or read The Hunger Games.  That's just the impression I have so far.

I will probably tap my leg ceaselessly through Art History and not pay attention.  At home I will eat dinner and try to remember to practice my yoga for Mindfulness.  I will plan to go to bed early and won't, plan to put together everything I need for tomorrow and wont.  I will sleep like shit, snooze through my alarm and be five to ten minutes late for work.  At work I will promise myself that I will work on my creative paper and won't.  I find I am way less annoyed to go to school on Thursdays because I am escaping work early.  Tuesdays it just feels dumb to drive over for one class.

And right now I should be packing up my shit and heading to class.  Oh man, do I want lunch.

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