Sunday, April 10, 2011


It's too nice outside to be doing homework.  I should be sitting in the grass and sunshine reading Patrick Rothfuss's new book and drinking Kool-Aid.  Garrett made me read The Name of the Wind when he was here.  When I finished it he told me that the new one wasn't out yet, making me yell "Arrrgghhh!"  Now it's out and I would rather not buy hardcover.  I read online that the paperback will be another 9 months or so.  Arrrggghh!  I checked Borders and they said I could get it for $17 and change.  They said it's in stock and I've got a coupon for 33% off so we stopped by to get it on our errand trip.  It was in, it was hardcover, and it was thirty goddamn dollars!  Boo hiss.  The coupon is also valid online so I'm going to try to get it there.  Frickin $30.  And yes, I checked the library.  They don't have it.

I'm going to go get my family phone calls in, clear the fridge of dying food and attempt to clean my office.  Then- sigh- I will do my homework.

Oh but for those not on Facebook:

Porch pet meeting:

Chris wearing my raisin box after lunch

Ah, that's fun.

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