Monday, May 2, 2011

Or you could just use a rock.

It feels like I haven't been here in forever.  It's only been like four days but yesterday feels like four months ago.

I was up until 2 last night finishing my book project- and I only finished the two I needed to turn in.  The rest will be sitting on my desk until next week or whenever I can bear thinking about going back to it.  It did turn out really cool though, I'm proud of it.  I made some really doofus mistakes that I didn't catch until I tried to put it together so it's a good thing I only had to turn in two or I would have been up all night.  It has already been requested but don't worry, of course I will take lots of pictures of the finished product and do a detailed blog about it.  I want to show it off.  Today we looked at everybody's books and again, like the vain little asshole I am, I wanted to keep looking at my own.  But now they're gone so I'm going to have to make more to look at.  : )

Yesterday I went to pick Ant up from Bubba's and brought the dogs along.  We went to a park and walked a mile-long trail.  I'm not sure how this happened, but most of it was uphill.  Ant spent the first half planning hiking trips.  He said we could hike for three hours, sit down for a nice picnic lunch, then hike the three hours back.  I asked if he was going to carry the cooler so he spent a while trying to figure out how to get the food in.  First he suggested that we bring a bike and trade off riding it.  Then he decided we should bring a specially designed hiking wagon.

He spent the second half of our hike complaining that he had to poop.

"I don't know where you're going to find any leaves," I said jokingly.

"WEEDS!?" he cried.  "Why would I use weeds?  I think leaves would be better."

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