Tuesday, February 12, 2013

And it's not even six o'clock yet.

Today I finished the Ant blog, instead of allowing it to disappear into My Documents.

I called Petsmart to inquire about the coupon I have for a free nail trim.

I reorganized my restaurant/store coupon folders.

I wrote notes about the DMV's resolution to the plates from the sold Dodge, added the receipt from the notary, and filed it all away.

I printed Shannon's itinerary and adjusted my leave request. (Shannon is coming!

I printed out schedule and pricing info for the Winchester House, because we're going, dammit.

I tried to pull my coat off without unzipping the zippy again.

I went to HR to ask about the promotion I'm supposed to get after one year. Said promotion is now in the works.

Today was all housekeeping items, but wow, it really feels like I accomplished a lot. I am happy.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

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