Monday, March 11, 2013

Daylight savings, indeed.

I don't really want to walk today.  I am going to have to go do something, though, because my body will rebel if I sail right through my break without leaving my chair.

I stayed in bed for a good forty minutes this morning, not able to get up.  I was not alone, apparently.  Several coworkers have blamed Daylight Savings Time for our collective inability to move today.  As Jeff put it, we're going to need a shot of adrenaline to make it through the day.  I feel as if I have been drugged and beaten thoroughly with a stick.  Now it's time for my annual complaint about the execution of DST.

Why the hell can't we move the clocks ahead on a Thursday night?  You'll have one day that's off kilter and a weekend to recover, rather than feeling off and belligerent for an entire week.  Even Friday night would be better, though I believe we do need a real work day to process the change.  Nobody pays attention to the hour change on the weekend.

After another emotionally wrecked evening, I called Tracy again.  She and I have thankfully alternated our moping times, so one can support and encourage the other.  She suggested I magnify some good things like I magnify the bad, so I decided that DST represents a break in my misery.  There is suddenly more light in my life and I'll have more sunshine every day.  (I will allow this metaphor to expire before it's time to set the clocks back again.)  I have been keeping my head down and surviving through this mess and surprise!  It's time for spring.  I could kick the flowers and tell the birds to shut up or join in on their singing. 

The summer fell and the winter sprang

Alright.  Let's just call this the transitional week and say that from here on out, my days will be brighter.

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