Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dear Blog,

I went to Zumba tonight.

The instructor came in and had oohs and ahhs for the new construction.  "And now we have fans!" someone called out.  They didn't have fans before?  Good grief.  Oh, and there was a super intense class right beforehand, so it already smelled like sweat.  During the first song, I was like oh shit I got this, but when that ended, the instructor asked if we were warmed up now.  Uh oh.  Then the second song came on and everybody started doing some nonsense.  Then I was like huhwhaaaaaaa????  But I tried to keep up and followed along through most of it.  The entire time I was thinking Mmmmm, Red Lobster...

So now I'm at home ruining my progress with a mini quiche.  I'm going to watch Frankenweenie and enjoy an evening with my girls.  Tomorrow is my random day off, and I got a call today from the nurse wanting me to stop in.  I said I would, but now I think I will not.  Tomorrow is supposed to be appointment free, and I just don't think I will disturb that or I will be all resentful and I've spent enough time like that.  Tomorrow is only fun, happy things, starting with not going to the VA.

But hey, yay me!  I went to Zumba!  And- dare I say it- I could see myself going again!  Now my voicemail message (that says I am unavailable because I am working out) is no longer funny! Tonight  I learned that I no longer know how to use my feet for anything other than walking and I could not shake my hips if my life depended on it.  But maybe in this class I can learn to make reasonable moves to music!  How exciting!


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