Sunday, April 21, 2013


I had a nice weekend.

I did chores Friday night, which included watching Miracle. I have no idea why I decided to watch this, other than that I am a sucker for true stories. This one was pretty painful and Disneyfied.

Saturday I ran errands and got myself another haircut. I brought in the same picture, but came out with a completely different result. Well, it is a beauty school, and it only cost me $5, so no big loss. I saw Jody that evening for a girl's night out and she told me it looked cute, so it must not be that bad. Jody and I ate pizza and went bowling. We had a good time, but planned on bowling again soon- this time when we can drink.

Today I caught up on the chores and worked on my homework. Riley and I took lots of mini walks and sat in the partial sunshine underneath shady trees.

I ate good food, I got good sleep, I felt very productive. To top it off, I watched City Lights. I read about this Charlie Chaplin movie a while ago in Mental Floss, and was convinced to watch. It was just as wonderful as they said, and I haven't laughed at any so-called comedies nearly as much as I did at the slapstick choreography, the innovative jokes, and the absolute silliness of what apparently was Chaplin's response to the idea that talkies would replace silent movies. This movie was full of noises, but aside from those occasional dialogue cards, the closest sound to speech was deliberately a wah-wah-wah sound. This is such a funny movie, and so full of heart. I rarely say this, but I want to own this movie.

And while I still have your attention (Do I?), can I just say what a great dog I have? She is so good walking that I only have to leash her when we're around a lot of cars. She will listen to me if I tell her to go say hi to someone or stay with me- even when there are little dogs nearby! Well, except if she sees her boyfriend, Boo Boo- then all bets are off. But she sits automatically, and if not, a look will compel her. She is great with cats and will approach them gently, and will leave them alone if they are at all wary of her. She likes to sit outside and will bonk my leg with her nose if she wants me be petted. Sometimes she does that if I have just corrected her, as if she's saying. "Sorry, Mom. Okay." My neighbors love her and last week at dog training, we were taking a lap around the store and the cashier saw us and sighed.

"You have the best dog," she said.

Thanks! I think so too.

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