Friday, May 10, 2013

Examining lists

I'm feeling a bit ornery. I should probably check my blood sugar.

I started my task of cleaning my apartment and found that my style is more drifting around, carrying a couple items into a room, putting things away as I encounter them. This approach is not conducive to a list. I usually decide what I need to accomplish, write an exhaustive list, check off about four items, and get depressed that I didn't do everything. This approach taught me to stop dating the lists, or titling them things like "today."

A couple weekends ago, I only wrote down what I did. That was a nice, exhausting list.

One problem with crossing things off lists is items like the cat litter. Yes, I just scooped the cat litter, but I'm going to have to do it again tomorrow. Another problem is that I often write these lists at work, when I'm not feeling very productive. Then I come home and don't even LOOK at the list.

So tonight (you'll be so excited to hear the conclusion to this), I have decided to go with my drifting method and just write down the things I don't want to forget to do, like find my box of checks. What safe, seemingly sensible place did I stow them in? I have no idea, and so far my guesses were apparently too obvious for a good place to store checks. This is an item for my list, because it's a two-parter: find the checks, pay the car payment. Otherwise, my ding dong self will find the checks, feel elated, and have no idea why I was looking for them.  Sheepish grins are not an accepted form of currency.

So now it's 10 and my 93 calls have decided that it's time for bed. Sad. But Solo is curled up too, waiting for me to continue scratching under her chin. Goodnight.

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