Monday, May 6, 2013

Long Monday

For years, every time I tried to prepare for a fasting lab, I crashed.  Last night was no exception, so I was not able to do my lab this morning.  I intended to ask my coworker to reschedule me, but she wasn't in at first, so I just held off.  At lunch, I got a call from their scheduler explaining that the doctor would be out for my appointment anyway, so it would be rescheduled.  I did not even need the lab.  Do you know how mad I would have been if I had done the lab?  Unnecessary stabbing!  Having blood drawn is one of my least favorite things ON EARTH.  Not that I think anyone enjoys it, but I would really rather break rocks... not that I've ever had to do that.

So how well did that work out, huh?  I'm so pleased.  Postponed blood draw, saved some sick leave... nice.  My coworker is going to sign up at my gym tomorrow and we're going to start going to classes together.  :D

Today I brought one of those random cookbooks I have laying around and picked out the recipes I want to try.  There aren't many, so I'm going to copy them and donate the book.  Less stuff!  Yay!  The other day I was musing about how much stuff I have lost over the years- some willingly, some not- and how everything I own now fits in a one-bedroom apartment.  (Well, except the stuff in Mom's attic, but that could fit here if I ever go get it.)  I kind of like that a lot of it's gone, even if I don't like the way it left.

I have been reading about personalities for the apprentice class, and it is both fascinating and mildly horrifying.  Horrifying because I identified Chris's type unintentionally, and I can see a lot of why that was never going to work.  Maybe I'm a little biased and that type could be possible, but I don't think so.  At the very least, I know I would like to date someone with a different personality type because for now I have had enough of that.  Perhaps I will subject potential love interests to a short personality test.

"I'm sorry, we have reached our quota of that particular personality.  Thank you for applying."

That'll make me sound crazy, especially referring to myself as we.

It has been fascinating to read about my type.  I'll have to share a bit about my type later.  I was doing a sad cackle last night about how they pegged me.

I am looking forward to tonight, when I don't have to do anything but walk the dog.  I may actually cook something, who knows!

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