Thursday, May 9, 2013


I am enjoying a few golden moments of doing nothing before I have to go clean the kitchen and get ready for bed. I am a busy bee these days, don't you know. Tuesday I went to the weights class with my coworker and while we struggled to follow along and translate the instructor's gym speak, we had fun and got horribly sore legs. We met each other in the hall Wednesday morning with the mutual greeting, "How are the stairs?"

Last night I made up for it by eating Pizza Hut with Jody.

Today was the apprentice class with LOTS to absorb. My brain is tired. When I'm bored while cleaning this weekend, perhaps I will tell you about it. Then Riley and I had dog class. We worked on me picking her up in the new way, socialized her with employees (that love her), and started whistle training. Then we were invited to sit in on puppy class for socialization, which was both adorable and overwhelming. THEN I went to the store. I am lightly toasted, which only has a little to do with the beer I'm currently enjoying. Oh look, it's 9. Rest time is over.

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