Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time out

I am curled up on the couch under a comforter. I just watched the end of Django Unchained and I am STILL trying to warm up from the football game.  I associate football with cold weather, but sheesh, it's May! It started to rain before I left, so I put on a long sleeve, a vest, the fleece liner AND the jacket and froze my heinie off anyway. Actually, my heinie was warm, but my feet, hands, and head were not. My poor arms were good when I was watching the movie, but now I understand the need for a Snuggie.

What a day. Riley and I went to the advanced class full of big dogs and we were both challenged. We came home exhausted, but she did so well! She did some tough training today with some seriously huge dogs. I did not realize just how big (and loud) bloodhounds are. It was some hard work anyway, but among big dogs, new people, and a new trainer, plus it was a Saturday afternoon (super busy!) AND they were hosting an adoption event. It was crazy.

As for the football game, it was this women's league my coworker plays for, and she invited me to come. I went to yet another event alone- go me- and ran into Jenea's cousin, so we hung out during the second half. That was nice.

Look at me go! But tomorrow, watch me stay home. This social butterfly is retreating to her cocoon.

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