Sunday, July 7, 2013

I'll sleep well now

This is Riley after a trip to the emergency vet to get a foxtail removed from her ear canal. She came to me about two hours ago, holding the right side of her head down and trying to shake something out. She yelped and bit the air near my hand every time I touched her ear. God, nothing will terrify your heart like a dog that cries when you touch her, but cowers in your lap, asking for help.

I put her down on her side and tried using a flashlight, but couldn't see. The dog first aid book was useless, so I googled. Vet, vet, vet, ear mites, vet, can't see down their L-shaped ear canal, vet. I called Dad to weigh it out: she didn't yelp when I had her on the floor, should I wait until tomorrow for my vet or go to the animal ER? I was thinking a bug, Dad said maybe a tick, and I grabbed my car keys. I'm glad I didn't wait, even if it was expensive. They said her ear was pretty tender and they put drops in to help, but she's still shaking her head. They said it will improve quickly. If I had waited, her ear would be an inflamed mess, and maybe get infected, and perhaps cost even more.

Riley was not at all happy to be at the vet. They took her to a back room to lay her on a table and check out her ear. The vet said she used very small forceps to get the foxtail, but Riley pooped while being held down during the procedure. Poor girl. They cleaned her up and she was quite relieved to see me. This vet was good, though, Dr. Lund. She was very kind and gentle with Riley, and Riley responded better to her than any other vet so far. I suppose she's got to be good to handle scared animals that are also wounded.

They didn't seem to act as if having a tick in there would be much worse, and Dad sent me an article about foxtails being "a serious hazard to dogs." We were at the river today, so the thought of a tick made sense. I never thought of a foxtail. How the hell would it get way in there like that?

But whew, all is resolved, and we are both relieved and exhausted.

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